Our goal is to create lasting, impactful change that protects and enriches biodiversity.

What we do

BioSense supports landowners to protect, promote, and enhance biodiversity through:

  • Conducting ecological appraisal and monitoring for compliance reporting.

  • Setting site-specific, nature-led, holistic targets to deliver biodiversity enhancement.

  • Communicating progress and promoting engagement through signage, education and events.

BioSense puts nature first to create long-term change.

We work at the interface between landscape ecology, management, and design to deliver solution-focused biodiversity enhancement which helps to maximise the ecological value and resilience of your site.

Our Approach

The Process

BioSense focuses on your specific objectives in the context of the unique site ecology, through the following steps:

Site Measurement

We record various metrics to comprehensively assess all aspects of biodiversity. These metrics form the basis for management interventions and ecological enhancements. To gain a detailed understanding, we review the following aspects of each site:

  • Structure and context
  • Condition and ecological diversity
  • Environmental quality
  • Management and social engagement

We work with landowners, developers, asset managers, and various stakeholders seeking to monitor, enhance, and report on the ecological value of their land.

Seeking to monitor, enhance, and report on the ecological value of their land.